ZhangShuai's Blog



Hi,我是张帅,云网络技术布道者及实践者,腾讯云工程师,开放原子基金会(OpenAtom Foundation)开源大使。曾担任阿里云技术专家,中国电信云计算工程师,在网络领域有着10多年的从业经验,我创建了两个主要的开源项目:

  • 高性能 VPN 网关 SharpGuard,支持网络层(IPsec VPN)与传输层(SSL/TLS VPN)高性能加密防护,可以实现本地数据中心、办公网络、移动客户端与云上资源连通的传输服务。
  • 高性能软件 Datapath 网络协议栈 Flowlet ,能够支撑 Terabit 级别的流量转发,可以被用作高密度 VPC 网络的转发网关、及 NFV 平台的 VNF 网元。

工作联系: 1171570958@qq.com


标题 类型 出版社 链接
使用 Ubuntu 进行 x86-64 汇编语言编程 翻译书籍 链接
每个程序员都应该了解的内存知识 在线教程 链接
无锁编程 在线教程 链接

演讲分享 (部分)

年份 城市 会议 分享主题 讲稿 视频
2023 线上 无锁编程 下载 观看
2022 线上 每个程序员都应该了解的内存知识 下载 观看


项目 角色 网站 GitHub
SharpGuard 创建者 https://sharpguard.net/ https://github.com/SharpGuard/
Flowlet 创建者 https://flowlet.net/ https://github.com/ZhangShuai-CN/


Flowlet Flowlet Flowlet

About Me

Shuai Zhang is a software architect. He has a solid experience in the information and telecommunication technology industry for more than 10 years.

Throughout his career, he has built a number of large-scale, cross-country software systems, most of them are still running in production.

He loves open source and has been contributing to various open source projects, he is the author of the open source project FastVPN.

He also has strong interests in various technical topics such as Cloud Native, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Home, etc. He love sharing his ideas about these things in his blog.

Shuai Zhang holds a BSc in Computer Science and Technology from Liaocheng University in China.

Currently, Shuai Zhang works as a senior engineer at Tencent Cloud. For now, his main focus is to build a programmable network solution on cloud.

While he is free, he likes writing technical blog posts, watching movies, swimming, hiking, travelling and learning languages.

Feel free to connect Shuai Zhang at Github and Linkedin, leave your thoughts in his blog or share your ideas by writing him an email.


标题 类型 出版社 链接
使用 Ubuntu 进行 x86-64 汇编语言编程 翻译书籍 链接
每个程序员都应该了解的内存知识 在线教程 链接
无锁编程 在线教程 链接

Presentations (Selected)

年份 城市 会议 分享主题 讲稿 视频
2023 线上 无锁编程 下载 观看
2022 线上 每个程序员都应该了解的内存知识 下载 观看

Open Source Projects

项目 角色 网站 GitHub
SharpGuard 创建者 https://sharpguard.net/ https://github.com/SharpGuard/
Flowlet 创建者 https://flowlet.net/ https://github.com/ZhangShuai-CN/
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